The Monk & The Monkey – Animated Short Film


The Monk & The Monkey is an animated moral fable, that has something for both casual viewers as well as hardcore animation fans. The film is a visually arresting piece, with its bright, pleasing colors, and terrific animation.

The story of the film is quite simple. Ragu, an excitable, but determined lad, is on a quest to become a monk. His final task given to him by his master, though seemingly trivial at first, soon puts him at his wit’s end. Whether Ragu becomes a monk or fails in his mission, forms the crux of this tale.

Watch the film after the jump.


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‘Heart On Stage’ – Stunning Illustrated Poetry Art Project


Heart On Stage, an unique art project by Luiz Risi and Leena Yliportimo, combines evocative poetry with gorgeous illustrations. Though the duo are based in Amsterdam, the project is a cross-cultural collaboration, as Luiz is Brazilian, and Leena is of Finnish origin.

They have an exhibition coming up in Amsterdam, sometime in March, 2011.


Click on the images to view them in a higher resolution. There are more images after the jump.


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