The DNA Staircase

The DNA Stair mimics the spiral of the DNA Helix, to great effect. It is an upgrade from the usual spiral staircases. Geoffrey Packer – the designer, has created something truly unique and it manages to impress us by its simplicity and beauty.
DNA Staircase
A snip from the site: ConceptThe Strand

The single defining feature of the DNA stair is that it should look like a DNA strand. This look is achieved by the central staircase support and balustrade, which I have dubbed the ‘strand’. The domestic DNA strand consists of 3 main elements:

* A large diameter helical tube which supports the treads and inner balustrade.
* A small diameter helical tube that forms the inner handrail.
* Balusters which support the handrail and links the two helical tube

The strand is generally constructed of a 114mm diameter tube, with 25mm diameter balusters, and a 50mm diameter stainless steel handrail.

Spiral Staircase

Concept Staircase

Link to the site.