2007 Tokyo Game Show – 100 Pics

2007 Tokyo Game Show GirlAkihabaranews has posted over 100 pics from the ongoing 2007 Tokyo Game Show. By the looks of it, these guys must have had a lot of fun at the various booths.


Danny (Dannychoo.com), David and I just came back from the 2007 “TGS”, the Tokyo Game Show…In the past I had been pretty disappointed by the TGS I went to but this time was different! The most eye catching place was the Sony booth with impressive games such as GT5, Sega Rally, Ratchet & Clank Future, Time Crisis 4, Devil May Cry 4, Metal Gear Solid 4 but also Little Big Planet…and the show girls!

Link to the 2007 TGS photo gallery. And a bonus Girls of the 2007 TGS gallery (so pretty, sigh), for the geeky fanboys at heart.