The multi-award winning “I Met The Walrus“ short film is based on a real life encounter between John Lennon and a 14 year old fan at Toronto’s King Edward Hotel in 1969. Lennon graciously allowed Jerry Levitan, the young fan, to conduct an impromptu interview, which he (Jerry) recorded with the aid of a reel-to-reel tape deck.
The 40 minute interview was edited and condensed into a pithy 5 minute animated film in 2007 by Josh Raskin. Raskin combined the original audio recording with the computer illustrations of James Braithwaite and the hand drawn sketches of Alex Kurina to create a truly inspiring work of art.
Raskin says,
I just wanted to literally animate the words, unfurling in the way I imagined they would appear inside the head of a baffled 14-year-old boy interviewing his idol.
I Met The Walrus is an official nominee at the 2008 Academy Awards in the “Best Animated Short Film” Category.