Exquisite, delicate, and with enormous eyes that speak volumes with their sadness. Just as we would always imagine Frankenstein’s bride to be.
The Bride of Frankenstein is a porcelain doll created by the super-talented (and oh-so-pretty) Marina Bychkova, a graduate of the Emily Carr Institute of Art and Design in Canada.
Marina seemingly draws upon imagery from her rich Russian heritage, and combines it with elements of steampunk to create this masterpiece.
Snip from her site:
Creating a visual narrative is the most intriguing way of articulating my ideas and a doll is a perfect medium because of its potential for such visual story. My strong tendency for escapism has made the make belief narrative of fairy tales very appealing as a context for my dolls. What interests me most about fairy tales is the implicit and often explicit violence that lies just beneath the surface of the magic.
Visit her site, The Enchanted Doll (slightly NSFW), to see her other creations. I also found a gallery on Flickr (NSFW) with photographs of her dolls.
[via the ever-interesting Frankenstenia blog]