The Moment is a 3D short film created by two Filmakademie students, Csaba Letay and Verena Fels.
In the film, a woman driving alone in her car, is suddenly involved in a violent collision with another car. In that very particular moment, when time almost slows down to a crawl, she sees something quite magical – something that she has never seen or paid attention to before. According to the film’s makers, the film is “about the moment of awareness and in which ways it could come to you.”
Though the film is less than a minute in duration, it completely blew me away with its gorgeously-lush animation and a brilliantly minimalistic concept.
The Moment from DreamPainter on Vimeo.
The animators used Maya, Autodesk Combustion, Adobe Premiere and Real Flow to make the short. You can learn more about their entire creative process, and even download a 720p HD version of the film by visiting their site (highly recommended).