Winners of the 2011 “Your Art Here” Contest Announced

This year’s edition of H&M’s “Your Art Here” online art contest, saw over 2,200 great entries being submitted by aspiring artists. Visitors to the contest site voted (and liked, tweeted & commented) on their favorite artworks.

After extensive deliberations, the judges of the contest were happy to announce Myla Angela CruzRockie Nolan, Kevin Führmann, Jordan Tiberio and Beth Zimmerman to be the winners of the contest.

The five artworks of these artists will be printed on t-shirts and sold all over the U.S., this summer. The artworks will also be installed in the H&M 5th Avenue store window, which millions of people will pass by. The winners will also receive a stipend of $2000 to support their art careers.

Congratulations to all the winners!

Hit the jump to see larger images of the winning artworks.

Untitled, by Beth Zimmerman

Hair, by Kevin Führmann


Nat in Blue, by Jordan Tiberio


have heart, by Rockie Nolan

Watch me glitter in the limelight, by Myla Angela Cruz