Artist Joerg Mandernach sent in this video which documents his terrific tape art installation. The tape "drawing" can change its form, depending on the position and the perspective of the viewer.
Completely impressed by the piece’s intricateness and visual complexity, I reached out to ask him about his work, and this is what he had to say about it:
The work is made with different kinds of adhesive tapes. I’ve made it in an noncommercial art space – Allgemeiner Konsumverein, in Braunschweig (Germany). In addition to the poetic and somehow fairy tale impression of the drawing, I like the idea that the viewer has to move around to put different fragments together to have different motifs (the goat or the dog, for example), or to straighten the anamorphic element out from an abstract to a representational part of the drawing. So I have not only a virtual element (maybe to tie the thoughts in with the fairy tale impression), but also a physical element too.
Joerg is a draftsman and a painter, and was born in 1963, in Saarbrücken, Germany. He currently lives and works in Ludwigsburg, near Stuttgart, Germany. Visit his site to see more of his work.