Self Portrait, by Mitra Mirshahidi-.
A collection of interesting images that I have recently come across on Flickr. If you would like your photographs to be featured here, please add them to the JazJaz Flickr pool.
Check out the rest of the images after the jump.
Ice Skating, by h.koppdelaney.
♥ The Drongo Love ♥, by VinothChandar.
2012.01.19 台北 / 大屯山 (Taipei), by MaxChu.
Love <3, by Kalexanderson.
Nouveau 1, by origami joel.
Lytro Powered Eric Cheng, shared by Thomas Hawk.
Katsu, by Anna Fischer.
Homme au vélo, by Ivan Constantin.
Just the two of us, by *katz.
And i miss you love, by Adam Raasalhague.