Over 1,000 Pieces of Contemporary Art to be Given Away For Free


Contemporary artist Ted Mikulski (previously) will be giving away over 1,000 pieces of his original artwork on the streets of Manhattan, starting from August 1, 2012. Ted will approach random people and offer his lovely artworks for free. The pieces are of different sizes, and are created on varied mediums like canvas, wood, vinyl, plastic, and paper.

The intention of Ted’s project is introduce the beauty of visual art to people who may not have any contact with the world of art before. There will also be a fun hide and seek element to the project, where people will be able to track the artist’s location via Twitter (@TedMikulski), and try to get their hands on a piece of great art.

Ted Mikulski is full-time artist based in Connecticut, and his gallery work has a colorful and distinctive cartoonish aspect. Following the completion of the project, his breakout solo NYC exhibition will open on August 11th at the Dorian Grey Gallery.

Visit his site for more details.