These gorgeous and evocative photographs were shot by Charoula Stamatiadou, a 27 year old fine art and portraiture photographer based in Athens, Greece.
Stamatiadou says she started shooting pictures “just for fun” in 2008, but a serendipitous encounter with a female wedding photographer in the city of Drama—which also happens to be Stamatiadou’s birth place—changed the course of her life. She worked and learned from the photographer for about two years, following which she decided to move to Athens and strike out on her own.
Stamatiadou adds that she is now working on custom projects, and is inspired to try and study new things every day.
Visit her Flickr | Facebook page to see more of her works.
Hit the jump to see some select images from her portfolio.
Self-Portrait of the Photographer
Link to Stamatiadou’s Flickr | Facebook page.