Screen print by Joshua Budich
Painting by Jonathan Bergeron
The Spoke Art gallery held a successful multi-artist art show tribute in NYC to the films of Martin Scorsese, one of the greatest film directors of our times. Acknowledging Scorsese’s decades-old, deep connection with the Big Apple, the San Francisco-based gallery had opted to bring the show to NYC, this past weekend.
To help those of us who were unable to attend the show, the gallery will be putting up paintings, prints and sculptures from the show on sale at 5 P.M. (PST), April 26th, via their online store.
You can checkout some select illustrations and paintings from the show, after the jump.
Screen print by Grzegorz Domaradzki
Art print by Ibraheem Youssef
Painting by Rich Pellegrino
Painting by Andrew Spear
Screen print by Alexander Iaccarino
Hand cut stencils by Epyon5
Screen print by Brian Ewing
Screen print by Jessica Deahl
Fine art print by Max Dalton
Fine art print by Oliver Blake