AirPods vs Earphones
Hilarious LOLNEIN webcomic takes a swipe against both wired earphones and Apple's controversial new AirPods. [via The Curious Brain]
Hilarious LOLNEIN webcomic takes a swipe against both wired earphones and Apple's controversial new AirPods. [via The Curious Brain]
Jobs is gone but not forgotten. “Apple Equation,” contributed to the JazJaz Flickr Pool by Lucky Luscombe.
This is the funniest thing I've seen in a while. Not only is Apple’s CEO, Steve Jobs, the devil himself, he is Lord Vader, too. I’m filing this under the…
(Image: Apple & Eve Logo, a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivative-Works (2.0) image from grahamsblog's photostream) A hilarious exchange recounted on the always-entertaining Clients From Hell blog. Client: Hey, just…
The iPod has proved to be an unstoppable juggernaut, having sold in excess of 250 million units since its launch in 2001.
This infographic from Online Schools throws light on the phenomena that is the iPod.
You tell them, Uncle Steve. (Image Credit: No Flash No Cry - Apple, a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial No-Derivative-Works (2.0) image from hulk4598's photostream)
Do you recognize this photograph from the Iron Man movie? Besides a completely fictional shot of a young Tony Stark sitting next to Bill Gates, the picture also shows an…
Modeled on the smooth, contoured lines of the original iPod, the aesthetically pleasing ‘iTable’ was designed by Mirko Ginepro, an industrial designer and graphic artist based in Milan, Italy. The…
Apparently, the next version of the Macbook has a great new feature. An inbuilt printer! Yeah, it’s fake. But just imagine for a second if Apple could actually build one.…