What the PlayStation Logo Could Have Been
These were the early prototype logos that were proposed for Sony’s Playstation brand. In hindsight, Sony took the right decision in selecting the logo (the one on the right) for…
These were the early prototype logos that were proposed for Sony’s Playstation brand. In hindsight, Sony took the right decision in selecting the logo (the one on the right) for…
This is really neat stuff. Web 2.0 logos “origamized” into icons by Paddy Donnelly. Paddy has put up (very graciously, I might add) the icons for free download in PNG,…
The Logólogos site humorously explains the intricate math equations behind the creation of some famous logos. I just loved this one. Apparently, the Dêath Star played an important role in…
Antony Micallef - Modern Art Paintings Gallery