New Works by Peter Jellitsch
Austrian artist Peter Jellitsch (previously) has updated his site with images of his fantastic science-inspired artworks. Jellitsch hand draws his beautiful interpretations of scientific data using just a pen and…
Austrian artist Peter Jellitsch (previously) has updated his site with images of his fantastic science-inspired artworks. Jellitsch hand draws his beautiful interpretations of scientific data using just a pen and…
I found this absolutely brilliant! This portrait of a stunning redhead was done by Samuel Silva, a lawyer and self-taught artist from Portugal. Silva used 6 colored Bic ballpoint pens…
Random guy on the internet is on a quest to collect 1 million drawings of giraffes by 2011. Why? Well, he wants to show his special friend, Jørgen, “how amazing…
Amazing video - Street Art by Julian Beever