Life Before Google: A Short Story
It doesn’t matter if you love them or hate them, you surely can’t deny that search engines have completely changed how we live our lives. [via]
It doesn’t matter if you love them or hate them, you surely can’t deny that search engines have completely changed how we live our lives. [via]
A Live Journal user posted this collection of rare color photographs (includes one NSFW pic) captured during the Third Reich German era. The photographs, clearly taken from the Life photo…
I really had fun with this all day long. Google has added one more interesting facet to its already impressive search capabilities. You can now hunt for priceless, high-resolution photographs…
Cory Doctorow - What If Google Were Evil ?
Watch the final cut of the collaborative video made from video clips submitted by Gmail fans and users. Over 1,100 videos were submitted by users from over 65 countries. [youtube:]…
Microsoft is dead - An Essay by Paul Graham