Archer Jack-O’-Lantern Stencils
If you are a fan of Archer, the terrific spy-satire animated series , you will really dig these free jack-o’-lantern stencils by You can download the stencils, and then…
If you are a fan of Archer, the terrific spy-satire animated series , you will really dig these free jack-o’-lantern stencils by You can download the stencils, and then…
There was a time when Will Shatner fancied himself to be a serious dramatic actor. He played his roles with epic intensity, complete with long pauses and other trademark "Shatnerisms."…
A small treat on Halloween. ‘Videotape’ is a short, atmospheric film created by Andrew Goldsmith & Jeremy Blode. The story tells of an old man who is literally overwhelmed by…
Want to do something different for Halloween, this time around ? Well, check out this uber-cool Cylon Jack-O-Lantern created by the good folks at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. The LEDs,…
The humble clothes peg got a complete makeover from the famed Art Lebedev Studio. The pompously named "Vespertilium Clothes Peg" is the latest from the design firm and was launched…
This 'Skullphabet' font is available as a free download for Halloween, courtesy of the Skull-A-Day site. Link Via Make Blog