Hand-Carved Crayon Sculptures of Famous Pop Culture Characters


Sigils of The Great Houses of Westeros from The Game of Thrones


Star Wars


Adam West Batman


Walter White from Breaking Bad


Groot from Guardians of The Galaxy


Dalek from Doctor Who


South Park

Over on his blog, Californian artist Hoang Tran regularly posts images of his incredible crayon sculptures of famous figures from pop culture. You can find characters ranging from the classic like Star Wars’ Darth Vader and the Daleks (Doctor Who) to more recent ones like Walter White (Breaking Bad) and Groot (from The Guardians of the the Galaxy). 

In an interview with Lost at E Minor, Tran says that depending on the complexity of the subject, he can spend hours painstakingly carving each piece. He creates the multicolored sculptures by carefully dripping melted wax from a crayon onto another one of a different color.

If you are interested in buying the sculptures or even having a custom one made, you can visit Tran’s Etsy store for more details.

Hit the jump to see more crayon sculptures.


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