“Skip” – An Animated Love Story
Skip is a charming little animated film, whose two central characters unwittingly traverse through time and movie genres, only to finally end up falling in love with each other. Created…
Skip is a charming little animated film, whose two central characters unwittingly traverse through time and movie genres, only to finally end up falling in love with each other. Created…
Watch Focus, a gorgeously-made short film by Ari Kruger. The film is somewhat NSFW. You tell her you love her. And she loves you. Things have never felt better. But…
A beautifully-animated short love story, made by the people at Polder Animation. The flawless sound design by Peter van der Velden deserves special mention. Link to Blik from Polder Animation…
Made by CatSnake, for Friends of the Earth. Link to “A Love Story… In Milk” from Catsnake on Vimeo. [via The Presurfer and Miss Cellania]
I just loved watching this. Bachna Ae Haseeno (loosely translated as “Save yourself, pretty girls”) is a short film/music video, with some rather kitschy, but enjoyable Bollywood style song and…