Minimalistic Concrete Clocks and Sculptures By Forsberg Form


Concrete, with its characteristics of being ubiquitous and coming only in shades of pallid grey, may not evoke any glamorous images in one’s mind, but in the hands of the wizards from Forsberg Form, it can be turned into ultra-desirable and minimalistic objects of art.

Hit the jump to check out images of clocks, furniture, and a very interesting series of comic book panels from the iconic Rip Kirby strip, all created using concrete by the Swedish firm.


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Andy Awesome’s Minimalist Pop Culture Paintings


Check out some of the minimalist, pop culture themed artworks sent in by Andy Awesome, an artist (or most probably, a creative group) based in Munich, Germany. The acrylic paintings are part of his/their Series 2, uh, series.

Andy says:

In Dec. 2010, I was one, out of 50 artists, who has been invited to paint a picture for Sanrio´s / Hello Kitty art show in Miami Beach during Art Basel for their 50th anniversary.

You can also visit MoAA, their online, virtual walkthrough gallery (requires Flash).

Hit the jump to see more images from Series 2.


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