Flower Bouquets Made With Discarded Spray Cans
Designer Hillary Coe made these spectacular-looking bouquet sculptures using parts of discarded spray cans. The sculptures are part of a series of works, which she has been creating for the…
Designer Hillary Coe made these spectacular-looking bouquet sculptures using parts of discarded spray cans. The sculptures are part of a series of works, which she has been creating for the…
This upside down tornado of discarded plastic bottles is an art installation by Chinese artist Wang Zhiyuan. Titled “Thrown to the Wind,” the installation is a statement by the artist on the overwhelming proportions that plastic waste pollution has reached in his hometown.
[via Lustik and My Modern Metropolis]
More images after the jump.
Made by CatSnake, for Friends of the Earth. Link to “A Love Story… In Milk” from Catsnake on Vimeo. [via The Presurfer and Miss Cellania]