The Impossible Cool
The Impossible Cool. An hot new blog with black and white photographs of retro movie stars, singers, models and other achingly-cool, beautiful people. They sure don’t make them like they…
The Impossible Cool. An hot new blog with black and white photographs of retro movie stars, singers, models and other achingly-cool, beautiful people. They sure don’t make them like they…
A curious mix of rampaging aliens and idyllic, pastoral settings. A Flickr set by Franco Brambilla. [via Drawn]
No, I am not a big fan of banks either. But this gallery of scans of old bank logos was too lovely to not link to.
“The Amazing Adventures of Kid Cole & Klay” is the title of an unproduced, ‘50s B-Movie inspired animated TV series created by Pete Candeland and Stu Connolly for Cartoon Network.
The storyline of the show involves a unlikely pair of heroes (two pizza delivery boys), who, thanks to a mistakenly dialed phone number, are called to rescue the planet from aliens, monsters, and other assorted villains.
The director of the series, Stephane Coedel, posted the lush opening title sequence of the cartoon online, and it looks and sounds truly spectacular. It’s a pity that this series was cancelled. I wish someone would pick this up soon.
You can watch the title sequence after the jump. I do recommend watching it in HD on Vimeo.
Digital artist Orioto essentially makes gorgeously-lush, HD quality mockups of scenes from classic video games like Mario World and Metroid. He uses Illustrator and Photoshop to create these stunning works.…
One of the more interesting photoshopping contests on Worth1000. This time, participants had to submit colorized black and white photographs from the World War 2 era. This colorized photograph, showing…
A model rotary telephone was one the first toys I owned as a kid. I used to love the distinct sound produced by the dial returning to its resting position.…
I know some of you are just going to love this. Download a set of high-resolution vintage poison labels for use in your DIY projects, or even to scare the…
I can’t get enough of this stuff. A big Flickr set with scans of vintage menus and brochures collected from various ships and airlines. Link
Michael Lebowitz has put up a beautiful gallery of hotel door knob hangers, that he found while going through the belongings of his grandfather who passed away last year.…