Transformers – Amazing Fan-Made Short Film
Eat your heart out, Michael Bay. A stunning little short film made by Alexander Vladimirovich Semenov, a 21 year old from Russia. My new video experiment, based on Michael Bay's…
Eat your heart out, Michael Bay. A stunning little short film made by Alexander Vladimirovich Semenov, a 21 year old from Russia. My new video experiment, based on Michael Bay's…
The European ad for the new Chevrolet Aveo left me quite confused. Wasn't Bumblebee a Chevy Camaro in the recent Transformers movie ? Self-referential sarcasm at its best ?
More cool stuff from Japan. This time it’s a real life ‘Transformer’ owl. Don’t believe me ? Well, checkout the video. Just don’t ask me to explain the Star Wars connection.
New Transformers Movie Clip on The Tonight Show
Transformers - Movie Trailer
DIY Transforming Optimus Prime Paper Robot
Transfomers Movie Gallery of over 400 Pics